Overcoming The Challenges of Keeping the Weight off During the Colder Months
COLDER MONTHS, Article Written by Mr. Patrice (Kaymel) Wilson, P.T., E.T.S.
Markedly, new gym memberships typically reach their peak right after the new year. In fact, I'm sure that one of the most popular New Year's resolutions is the vow to get in shape/ lose weight. You could bet that a gym survey would reveal the fact
that most people are in there trying to whip themselves into shape for the war
summer months when everyone is out and about, wearing less clothing.
But what about the fall, where the signal of cold weather, dormancy and
more clothes lie in the wake? Far too many people just accept the fact that they are going to hibernate and pack on the extra pounds.
That said, we are entering the final quarter of the year where some severe holidayeating will go down. Think, T-Day, Christmas and New Years! On top of that, the
temperature outside will be dropping significantly; subsequently, mostpeople will opt to
hang around the house more. More food + fewer activities= added weightand inches.
What is the solution for all of the added weight? Enter, revolutionize
ing your workout!
Instead of merely waiting for the warmer months to get your cardio in, why not infuse it into your indoor workout? Whether you go to your local gym or opt to exercise in yourhome, there are ways to 'get it in' with the cardio during the colder months. Obviously,
you could use any of the cardio machines in your gym to achieve your objective,but what about if you don't have a gym membership? No prob! You could jump rope, emulate jumping, do jumping jacks, run in place, etc.
As a fitness professional, I would advise you to do at least 20 minutes of
straight cardio at least 3 times a week before working out. Again, this could be accomplished in either a gym or home setting. Then I would advise incorporating cardio into your workout of
the day. Say you're at the gym on the leg day, why not create a leg circuit where you infuse either the Stairmaster, or treadmill into your routine? If you're at home doing legs, you could perform jumping jacks, jump rope or do mountain climbers between your squats and lunges. If you're doing upper-body work at the gym, you could incorporate medicine ball slams into your workout. If you're at home and don't own a medicine ball, you could do explosive knee-tuck jumps, high-steps, or 'in and outs', just to name a few.One of the easiest ways to perform these types of routines is to create a 'T
Tabata' (a Japanese Doctor created the term meaning 'time under tension) type of c
circuit. Here, you'd be responsible for working as hard as you could in each station for
seconds(as opposed to performing a particular rep range).
Professionally speaking, I would advise that you ditch the amount of weight that
only allows you to lift 4-6 reps, and instead use an amount of weight that
would let you get anywhere from 20-25 reps (keep in mind, you need to be struggling with the 20th-25th
rep) unless of course bulking up is your goal during the colder months. On days where you are training using a rep range method, I would still advise in
fusing 20-30 seconds of cardio into your circuit, alternating between anaerobic and aerobic exercises.
Apparently, I think that it should go without saying that one must governhow they eat. At the end of the day, a great workout could never trump a horrible
diet! The bottom line is that by watching what you eat and intensifying y
our cardio, you could offset the number of pounds you typically gain during the colder months making you a quest for a beach body that much more attainable.